Saturday, March 5


“What need does the earth have of us? It is no longer enough, then, simply to state that we should be concerned for future generations. We need to see that what is at stake is our own dignity. Leaving an inhabitable planet to future generations is, first and foremost, up to us. The issue is one which dramatically affects us, for it has to do with the ultimate meaning of our earthly sojourn.”

—Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, #160 (Praised Be)

This week’s CRS Rice Bowl story of hope introduces us to a mother and daughter from Rwanda. Odette was concerned about the health and well-being of her daughter, Olga, and worked diligently well before she was born to ensure she had what she needed to grow up strong and healthy. Perhaps it’s easy to see our foundational principle of Catholic social teaching at work in this story: the respect for the life and dignity of Olga motivated Odette to care for her from conception to birth and beyond.

Pope Francis—like so many popes before him—issues an important challenge. He asks us to protect and uphold the dignity of those who come after us. Not only does our own dignity demand it; we are called to recognize how care for our planet is interwoven in that dignity. We are called to reflect on the demands of intergenerational justice, on what we can do today to protect those who will walk this earth tomorrow.

This calls to mind the communion of saints, that great family of God. We think on all those holy men and women who came before us, who grappled with the trials and joys of life, and taught us to do the same. What have they given us? It is humbling to think of the many generations who have traversed this planet, tilled the soil, breathed the air, drank the water.  As our great-grandparents walked this earth, so too, we pray, will our great-grandchildren. The earth ties us all together. We recognize, perhaps, that we are called to intergenerational responsibility—and that care for creation is key.