Wednesday, March 9

THE FOURTH SORROW OF MARY: The Meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross

Mary meets Jesus on his way to Calvary. Her son is mocked and jeered, his body bruised and broken, crushed under the weight of the cross he bears. What quiet word does she have for him? What does he say to her? She knows he goes to his death, that her time with him is nearing an end. Yet, she does not abandon her son. She does not waver in her resolve to be with him until the end.

Mary, mother and disciple

Mary put herself in a dangerous place. In order to be present to her son—a condemned criminal—in his most dire moment, she had to put herself in physical danger, surrounded by a crowd of bloodthirsty men and women. But bolstered by faith and fortitude, her love never wavered.

In Mary, we see ourselves being present to people society has marginalized, condemned, cast out. Through Mary, we are encouraged to be present to the poorest of the poor.

Questions to Guide Your Reflection:

  1. How does Mary’s example in the face of human suffering fortify me in my efforts to build God’s kingdom of justice and peace?
  2. What do I think Mary felt in this moment of encounter? Have I experienced similar moments in my own life?