Saturday, March 14

Recalling last Sunday’s Gospel

Our lives are made up of seasons. Summer, winter-yes-but we also experience changes in relationships, jobs, schools and location. Some days we feel successful, happy and affirmed; other days, we feel lost, angry or agitated. We may feel close to people in our lives, or distant. We may feel secure financially, or we may have difficult decisions to make. And of course, there are so many other seasons in between.

Through the Beatitudes, Jesus invites us to consider which seasons we are dwelling in. Are we following Christ’s example of meekness, trying to be poor in spirit by removing those instances of pride and power and showing mercy to ourselves and others? Or, are we rich without giving to those in need, filled without feeding those who hunger, joyful without sharing that joy with those around us?

Lent is a time to assess the season in which we find ourselves-and to make a change. It’s a time to become the peacemaker, to clean our hearts. And it’s a time to search out and help people in our own communities who find themselves in challenging seasons.