Sunday, February 22

Reflecting on Today’s Readings: 

God never leaves us. He created each of us as unique, valuable persons and works actively in our lives, desiring that we grow closer to him. How has God been at work in my life during these first days of Lent?

Today’s readings show us that God gives tangible reminders of his committed love and his desire to be present to us: the rainbow after the flood, Jesus’ preaching, the waters of Baptism. How do I act as a tangible reminder of God’s love, especially for those who are most in need?

This week’s CRS Rice Bowl Story of Hope takes us to Tanzania. It reminds us of the important role a community can play in supporting an individual’s work. This takes trust and commitment-two themes apparent in today’s readings. Am I committed to myself, my God and my neighbor? How do I show this trust and commitment, and where is there room for growth?