Holy Week

“Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
Philippians 2:7-8

Holy Week is the most significant time of the liturgical year. During this week, we accompany Christ on his entry into Jerusalem, listen to the story of his Passion and Death on the cross, and together with the women who accompanied him and his disciples, celebrate his Resurrection. 

On Holy Thursday, we witness how Jesus, accompanied by his closest friends at his Last Supper, pronounces the consecrating words that we use today in every Mass, truly bringing us his body and blood to be present among us. 

Jesus reveals himself as the Bread of Life that nourishes our souls and, as Pope Francis reminds us, the “communion with him makes us capable of also becoming bread broken for others …  When we participate in the suffering of our brothers and sisters and share bread and resources with those in need, when we make our talents available to everyone, then we are breaking the bread of our life like Jesus.” 

Yes, it is Jesus, the Bread of Life, who also invites us to meet others and share our daily bread. Let us take the Bread of Life, and after being strengthened by its grace, let us remember the countless children, women and men who carry heavy crosses: crosses of hunger, displacement, poverty and insecurity.  

Let us pray that just as God grants us the grace to follow Jesus in his footsteps of Passion and Death, we may now bring to life the hope of the resurrection. Let us dedicate ourselves, our time, our efforts, our actions and our voices to serving our sisters and brothers around the world. 

May the Eucharist, which gives us the strength to do everything despite our daily worries, help us to achieve a better life for all and to share one day, as children of God, eternal life with the Risen Christ. 

Stations of the Cross

Journey with Jesus to Calvary with these Catholic social teaching inspired Stations of the Cross.

Watch the rest of our Stations of the Cross Digital Retreats.

Experience Christ’s Passion through the eyes of his mother by praying and reflecting on the Seven Sorrows of Mary.

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