Mayra Martínez, 11, writes during class at her desk in “Escuela Rural Mixta La Democracia”, primary school in El Cedral, Jesús de Otoro, Intibucá, Honduras. She attends sixth grade. Mayra was selected by her teacher to receive extra tutoring during the break between the 2013 and 2014 school years. The teacher noticed that she had learning difficulties, was unable to complete homework assignments, and missed class regularly. The Peer to Peer Tutoring Methodology offered by the USDA FFE project seemed like the perfect solution. Her fellow classmate Elías Fabricio Hernandez and the local Substitute Teacher, both trained by the USDA FFE project staff, began working with Mayra with a specific focus on Spanish and Mathematics. Mayra successfully completed the Peer to Peer Tutoring program and was presented with a diploma by her tutor Elías. Her teacher is so proud of her stating that Mayra is no longer timid, does her homework, and comes to class on time. CRS implements the Food For Education Project with USDA in 17 municipalities in Intibucá, Honduras. The project benefits 53,863 children. CRS collaborates with Caritas Santa Rosa de Copan and COCEPRADII (El Comité Central Pro Agua y Desarrollo Integral de Intibucá). The two local organizations have years of experience in development and education projects in the south western part of Honduras.
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