
In June 2013, six Global Fellows visited CRS’ TARATRA project office in Moramanga, Madagascar, a town located in the hills between the capitol Antananarivo and the eastern coast. The TARATRA project is helping 348,000 people in the diocese of Moramanga to resolve issues they experienced when a multinational mining company was given a 27-year contract in 2007 to extract nickel ‘used to make stainless steel’ and cobalt ‘used to make car phone and car batteries’ in the hills, 4200 KM above sea level. The building of the Ambatovy mine, including the construction of a 220 kilometer long road and pipeline to the processing plant located in the port city of Toamasina, and its round-the clock operations created wide spread soil erosion and pollution to the air, nearby rice patties and agricultural lands. Through the TARATRA good governance project, the community learned their rights, established communication channels between themselves and the mining company and created a trusted complaint/dispute verification process led by the Bishop of the diocese.

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